Client List
The following is a partial client list.
Federal Agencies:
Internal Revenue Service
Department of Justice
State Agencies:
Colorado Attorney General
Colorado Dept. of Revenue
Colorado State Land Board
Great Outdoors Colorado
Colorado Parks & Wildlife
Land Trusts:
Nature Conservancy
Colorado Open Lands
Wyoming Stockgrowers Agricultural Land Trust
Trust for Public Lands
Colorado Cattlemen’s Agricultural Land Trust
The Conservation Fund
Eagle Valley Land Trust
Douglas Land Conservancy
Estes Valley Land Trust
Larimer County
Boulder County
Weld County
Adams County
Douglas County
Fort Collins
Colorado Springs
Gravel Companies:
Asphalt Specialties
Connell Resources
Martin Marietta
Irrigation Companies:
Windsor Reservoir Company
Cache la Poudre Irrigating Company
Highland Ditch Company
North Poudre Irrigation Company
Numerous attorneys involved with estates, divorces and various litigation issues.
Numerous landowners involved with a variety of issues, including documenting claims for charitable donations and determining values for sale or purchase of real estate, along with a myriad of other reasons.
We do a limited amount of lender work due to the length of our schedule. Periodically, an opening in our schedule or pre-existing data will allow us to take lender assignments.